Fri, 06/30/2023 - 12:01
Edited Text
Tinn Kisten (Part 1)

Presented by Kevin Kopsco

Set in 12th century Scandinavia, a new super power descends on the nation
with brutal force led by the ruthless yet complicated general, Tinn Kisten.
Bryce, the strongest and most battle competent Jarl in the nation fights and
loses against Tinn Kisten. Narrowly escaping death, he must find a way to
recover his wife, Ayeleth, and defeat the brutal menace before the whole
country is taken by madness.

All compositions by Kevin Kopsco



No Vengeance, No Revenge
The Tin Coffin

Interview (My Perfect Lover)
A Reason

Does Life Have No Merit?


To Arms

Light In My Eyes

Berklee College of Music