Thu, 09/22/2022 - 12:19
Edited Text

In ancient Greece, a young lad once asked his father
to instruct him in the art of swimming. Thereupon the wise
parent took his son to the water's edge and pushed him
in with the following advice: "If thou woulds't learn to
swim; thou must swim.

So it 1s with arranging. You, who have completed this
introductory course, will have enough preliminary know-
ledge to start in arranging. Begin immediately. The best way
not to do a thing is to put it off until some other time.
So start right in. Remember to make every arrangement worthy
of your best effortd. In this way you will learn something
new with each subsequent Arramgimxxme arrangement you ;rlte. Keep
a notebook of all effects and tricks as you learn them and file
them away for future use.

In thewords of the ancient Greeian: "If Thou

would'st learn to arrange; Thou must arrange."