Fri, 06/30/2023 - 09:04
Edited Text
Berklee Faculty Asseciation
Concert Series


under the direction of


A Message From "de Box". . . . . R. Felts-A. Chachamouvits
Pafrane foo bl S S e e e Y &

A Walk Throngh The Brazilian Rain . ... g . R. Felts
BEorest (Weds)in il i i L s st i sl iy RO
Crvstale L el GGy e sirs e B e U it g R, Felts


Darina 8 TURE L id 000 caiigeinid e Sglan g SR g e R. Felts
& Ruumba FOR DEas oo b g i L " o
Invitation T4 The OSLINARO o 102l Ui gig | i 1
Pancin’ In The btreats .. o0 ¢ 4. Lieber-Stoller/R. Felts