Thu, 06/29/2023 - 17:00
Edited Text
September 12
September 18
Sentember 19

September 24
56?;‘€embe‘~' 26

Senteniher 2]
October 1



ctober 3

October 9

October 15

October 16

October 18

October 23

Berklee Concerts
at the
Performance Center

“Looking Back”, a concert showcasing the many talents of faculty mem-
ber Paul Lemcke, presenting an evening of music ranging from ciassical
to jazz

“Percussion Dept. Faculty Concert”, an evening of contemporarv jazz fea-
turing two separate small groups led by faculty members Ted Wolff and
Joe Hunt

“Up To The Limits”, student Aristides Valderrama ieads a largze ensemble
for an evening cf contemporary music which runs the gamut from jazz
to rock

“featherrain”, this group, d;rected by Pat Pamsé‘fi always presents a tine
evening of vocal music in a contemporary style

“Hyperten top funk bands in the area .a la Earth, Wind and Fire.

“ApGuGa Records presents The Fringe”, directed by faculty member Rich
Appleman, this highiy acclaimed jazz trio deals in the most adventuresome
of jazz stvles

Mike Grey/Jackie Beard Quintet, an evening of straight ahead, no nonsense
jazz music a la Davis, Silver, Blakely, by one of Berkiee's best student
jazz groups

“Moksha — In and Out”, faculty member Wayne Naus, the former Buddy
Rich trumpeter lead his own quintet in an evening of adventuresome jazz
“Simple Things”, this student group, directed by Paolo Manavello, presents
an unusual instrumentation that features two drummers, two keyboardists,
bass, and guitar o

“A Tribute to John Lennon”, an evening dedicated to the music of Lennon,
with the Vocal Dept. and a small band, directed by faculty member
John Stevens

Rick Stepton, the ex-Herman, Rich Ferguson trombonist leads his own smal!
group i an evening of jazz music.

Currents, directed by Mitch Coodley, draws its inspiration from Corea,
Methany, Burton, etc ., and is one of the better new groups to appear on the
Boston music scene. :

The Mike Metheny Quartet, faculty member Mike Metheny leads his
quartet in an evening of straight ahead jazz, which presents some of the
most mellow sounds around.

Randy Sabien/Larry Baione, Guitarist Baione and violinist Sabien present
an innovative evening of solo and duet music, ranging from jazz a la
Stephanie Grappelli to the contemporary.

“Out At Home"”, faculty member Dick Odgren is joined by his brother,
alumnus Jim in an evening of small group modern jazz.

Murray Marder, an evening of popjcountry & western led by vocalist/
guitarist Marder, who is supported by a small back-up group.

All concerts are sponsored by the Berklee Faculty Association, and begin
at 8:15 pm. General admission is $2.00. and $1.00 to alumni presenting a
membership card. For information on independently produced
concerts, call the Performance Center Box Office tel: 266-1400. ext.
