Thu, 06/29/2023 - 16:43
Edited Text


Recital Hall 1W, 1140 Boylston Street, Boston
Friday, August 8, 1997 4:00 p.m.

Friday Finale presented by Jerry Cecco
Pl ot BB SRR R et B B R R S R Johnny Mercer
BRI ... i el R L e e e Simone/Marks

MHOK. ..ol pliondd i BB BGIE i i e b e Aretha/Ted White
P WML INO R ik i s iseiasst ot s ks st s i Bob Marley

Jazzette presented by Steve G. Heck
BE MR, .l S s I e e T e et b T. Monk
B P i e o e e T e Jon Hendricks

Tribute To Herbie presented by Nathaniel Morton
WatermelomsMane - - 2o = - s 0o S R e Herbie Hancock
Chameleon 0 Sy e e R Lo e e e Herbie Hancock

Long Distance Grooves presented by Nathaniel Morton
BEBCR PO Moot o il miie At il s o Bt B e e e i George Duke
NRerlen NI .. o e e s s i b Herbie Hancock

Jazz n’ Such presented by Nathaniel Morton
SHHDIEHINE. sl e e s e D St e o Gershwin

AMooendances s s e e s il s i e Van Morrison

Five Week Jazz presented by Scott deOgburn
IR NI L s e e e e b e s b R e Curtis Fuller

Five Week Jazz presented by Scott deOgburn
OO vl R A G e s Van Morrison

~S€€ over~