Fri, 05/12/2023 - 14:47
Edited Text
Student Laptops: Turn “Distracting Devices” into
Engaging Tools
—Adam Gojanovich
Teaching Political Dialogue to Artists: Building
Classroom Community Post-Election
Chris Kandus-Fisher and Christy Anthony
In the Kitchen with Randall Sherman
—Randall Sherman
The Tutti Interactive Video Application
—Daniel More
Copyright or Copyleft?
Caadbe .o Bt
—Heather Reid
3:15 p.m.-4:45 p.m.
Concurrent Session IV
The Music of Stevie Wonder
_Rick McLaughlin
The Music of Poetry
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Take Note: Getting the Best out of Notation
Software as a Teaching Tool
—Steven Kirby and David Harris
Art of the Loop
—Ramon Castillo and Alfonso Peduto
All This Useful Beauty: Applying the Alexander
Technique to Performance
—Sara Goldstein
Student Laptops: Turn “Distracting Devices” into
Engaging Tools
—Adam Gojanovich
Teaching Political Dialogue to Artists: Building
Classroom Community Post-Election
Chris Kandus-Fisher and Christy Anthony
In the Kitchen with Randall Sherman
—Randall Sherman
The Tutti Interactive Video Application
—Daniel More
Copyright or Copyleft?
Caadbe .o Bt
—Heather Reid
3:15 p.m.-4:45 p.m.
Concurrent Session IV
The Music of Stevie Wonder
_Rick McLaughlin
The Music of Poetry
p,,» pq’fr:L n
Take Note: Getting the Best out of Notation
Software as a Teaching Tool
—Steven Kirby and David Harris
Art of the Loop
—Ramon Castillo and Alfonso Peduto
All This Useful Beauty: Applying the Alexander
Technique to Performance
—Sara Goldstein