Tue, 04/18/2023 - 15:46
Edited Text
Composers and Friends

Presented by Jerry Gates

Five Spring Haiku
words and music by Francine Trester


| wrote the words and music to "5 Summer Haiku" in 2004. The compo-
sition was premiered by Peter Cokkinias, clarinet, Louis Stewart, piano,
Kathryn Wright, narrator, and myself on violin. In 2012, | completed the
music to "5 Spring Haiku," whose ending, "June,” elides with “Cicada,"
the first movement of the Summer set. The music in both these com-
positions seeks to capture the succinct, gestural nature of the text and
the essence of the season. Haiku is a very short form of poetry, typically
consisting of three brief phrases. This condensed form, which conveys the
essential through its most economical expression, has great appeal to me;
| have written the words to the two remaining seasons as well and hope
to give them a musical setting in the near future.

i. Crocus

ii. Blessing

iii. Birthday

iv. Warm Spell
V. June

Francine Trester, violin
Peter Cokkinias, clarinet
Louis Stewart, piano
Kathryn Wright, narrator