Fri, 07/07/2023 - 19:21
Edited Text
Berklee Performance Center Concerts
Spring 1980

January 24 Joe Lovano & Friends, an evening of contemporary jazz featuring saxophonist Lovano
and other prominent Berklee alumn.

January 29 Gil Graham & Friends, facuity member Gil Graham leads his small jazz group through
a varied program that features guests Alex Ulanowsky and Larry Monroe as well as
vocalist Candy Stout

February 4 Times Place: Always A Beginning, Luciano Salvatore s joined by fellow faculty
member Ed Saindon and saxophonist Bob Zung n a ptograrfi of innovative jazz utilizing a
variety of instrumental combinations. =

February 6 Alternate Source, Bill 5csm presents his own seven piece jazz group in their first
Performance Center outing. The program will showcase some of Berklee's finest.

February |1 My Reason, Crag Najar, who recentiy joined the Berklee facuity. 1s one of the area’s
most promising young song-writer/vocalists, presents an evening of music that bridges the
many facets of the American pop style.

February 12 New Life Orchestra, faculty member Ken Taft joins forces with student pianist/
composer Steve Bauer in presenting an exciting new big band.

February i3 The Lancaster Brass Quintet in Concert, rapdly emerging as one of the area’s
finer chamber music groups, the Lancaster Brass Quintet directed by faculty member
lenn McDonald presents its first Performance Center concert. The program consists of
traditional as well as contemporary chamber music.

Fetruary 14 Jon Gorr-Barry Reiter/Jackie Beard-Ron McWhorter, the first in a series of
. Y

concert “doubleheaders”, this program features two outstanqng student groups in an
evening of diverse and innovative modern jazz

February |9 The Next Cure, student composer Kendall Schrmidt 1s the musica! force behind this
sextet that defies musical category. Elements of jazz, rock. and fusion emerge in the
rmusic of this outstanding new. group.

February 20 The Danny Harrington Quartet, saxophonist Harrington, a recent addition to the
Berkiee Facuity, offers a concert of smali group jazz in the best mainstream tradition.

Februar. 2| Catharsis, directec by She! Sondheim, 1s one of Berkiee's most enduring jazz/rock/funk
groups The group's growing reputation for innovative music promises an exciting evening.

February 25 letus, facuity member Davic Mash brings his outstanding group back to the Performance
Center. “Modern American music’ is the only apt description for this unique septet.

February 26 Count Dracula Meets Dr. Frankenstein - The Arch Fiends of Be-Bop, students
Bradley Young and Kurt Lund bring their respective groups to the Performance Center
for a joint concert of small group jazz.

February 27 Plunder, muiti-faceted reed player Richard Hermann, a member of the Berklee faculty,
makes his first appearance at the Performance Center with an engaging and varied program.

March 4 The Threepenny Opera, The Berklee Pumpernickel Players present this Brecht/Weill
classic. Directed by Larry Brenner, with Michael Gibbs conducting, this promises to be an
entertaining night at the theatre.

March 5 Steppin’ Out, composer/saxophonist Peter Gordon, a member of the Berklee faculty,
offers a concert of “fusion music. A mixed band of students and faculty will present a
program of original music that features the leader on lyricor:.

March 6 String Department Student Concert, Berklee's young and expanding String
Department presents their first concert at the Performance Center. Directed by String
Department Chairman. Randei Sabien, this concert wili be a unique evening for Berkiee
concert goers.