Collegelofiluyic Recital Hall, 1140 Boylston Street, Boston Tuesday, December 5, 1978, 7:30 pm OHE HOUR TO MADNESS AND JOY Whot Do You POiuk? . .. ..iim il AUREME RS D Ed Friedland TINMELESS il o i vibiivi . e el S b el John Abercrombie Song For Desmond ...... L ia ey Bewi s wmdi. nb Sk Peter Regis The Year OfF The:«Bright . Snews ...... b i s e oMo 0 Denvel] Children & Congenial Peopile i ... il w v GoBdon 0 "Connell INTERMISSION The: Yean Of TPheFalsich Graians il . . ol ahivie s o Gordon 0'Connell Free Improvisatlion ..s .s... R s e ... One Hour To Madness And Joy Conference @Ff Mhie Bards [ L0 il s ioi v i Dave Holland Boe And OLtere .....ixvs Saaas S et e Gordon O'Connell Clay BPutterfly & . ol s Sl s e RS S i evrdon O "Connell PERSONNEL Reeds, PETER REGIS, Brookline, Massachusetts Piano/Flute, ROBERT BENNET, Brookline, Massachusetts Classical & 12 String Guitar, GORDON O'CONNELL, Cambridge, Massachusetts Acous. Bass/Mandicello/Tablas/Percussion, ED FRIEDLAND, Newton, Massachusetts