Betrklee COLLEGE OF MUSIC Recital Hall 1W, 1140 Boylston Street, Boston Friday, April 26, 1996 2:00 p.m. Student Recital presented by Mashi Hasu B LT OV o s il it s R ik i v B ARy AR A AL sy s Marcus Miller O, i G i e e e e F e & s i e e ok YR S Russell Ferrante ARBEL EWES: .l i iinn el it osin et iaponmestsndioni dniesrobt iasssas cobn sBons e intsdson isnrin Dennis Brent BEZIEOR VW ISI0N . e i, o i 6 e B iashns saabads Sty taoh She Ieh i ds e wiuean S e lais s s isihvs Fred Lipsius B Vel Lk i e e G e e o TS Rint e b Sonny Rollins The Performers Alto Saxophone, Stefan Meister, Brugg, Switzerland Tenor Saxophone, Michael Raskin, Las Vegas, NV Guitar, Eivind Baaserud, Oslo, Norway Bass, Ronen Tat, Tel-Aviv, Israel Drums, Ron Lowder, Hampton, VA