Berklee Performance Center Concerts March 27 - Rock Arranging Live! - This annual concert highlights the best music written by some of the most talented student songwriters and arrangers. The concert will present variety of original compositions as well as new arrangements of standard rock/pop repertoire and performance with sequencers and pre-recorded materials. Featured performers include Carita Boronska, Maria Kourou and Alex Meletiou. March 28 - A Women’s Place is in the Groove - Faculty guitarists Jane Miller, Lauren Passarelli, Abby Aronson and Robin Stone share a concert to celebrate Women in Music Month, performing original jazz, art-rock, fusion and rock compo- sitions from their new recordings. April 2 - Writing Division 1996 Awards Concert - This concert, under the direction of Divsion Chair Joe Smith, will feature the music of student award winners from each department in the Professional Writing Division. Musical styles and instrumentation will vary from small to large ensembles. April 4 - Commercial Arranging Majors Concert - The second annual concert featuring the writing of majors in Commercial Arranging. The contemporary pop/ rock fusion and Latin selections also feature performances by many of Berklee’s talented student performers. April 5 - Ueberseebrief, Lieder zur Liebe/Lunatique Fringe Orchestra - Gabriela Tanner offers a program of original Art-songs based on German and Swiss texts performed with piano, violin, bass and clarinet. Then composer/arranger Luna Uehara presents original compositions for jazz Orchestra. April 9 - Songwriters Night - The twelve winners of the annual Songwriting Contest will have their songs performed under the direction of department chair Jack Perricone and faculty member John Stevens. The music offered ranges over a wide variety of styles from pop/reggae through alternative rock performed in original arrangements by the songwriters and student ensembles. April 11 International Folk Festival - This special event, sponsored by the Performance Studies Department, the Office of the Dean of Students and the Student Activities Center, will feature ten ensembles representing Mexico, Peru, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Greece, Cypress Brazil, Israel, Ecuador, Mexico, Spain and a fiddle ensemble playing the music of their native homelands. Following the performance, everyone is invited to a party in the Dining Hall where food from around the world can be sampled. The Performance Center at Berklee College of Music is a Ticketmaster outlet.