Berklee COLLEGE OF MUSIC The Lawrence and Alma Berk Recital Hall, 1140 Boylston Street, Boston Wednesday, August 10, 1994 2:00 pm HAVE MERCY ON MR. CLEAN presented by RANDY FELTS MELIRAR. i R RS R T F. Hubbard/ENO17 sy g o et S e R LI N S oy L LD ok J. Zawinul/ENO17 JEFF STOUT'S 5ยง WEEK ENSEMBLE presented by JEFF STOUT Catmionpe Islamd .. LG sl e H. Hancock SR L ea e e e Gershwin/O. Wright REGGAE MADNESS presented by BOB PILKINGTON P e Bob Marley/Bob Pilkington s s lTheSeventi Wave. . - g Sting TOO MANY FOLKS presented by CHRISTOPHER LOFTLIN BERE. . i i e L e e e A. Franklin AT L TR i i ininiee i o i i sise e s s e s i i i ENO059 DR PO TR ANt . e el e Bonnie Raitt 5 WEEK ENSEMBLE presented by JIMMY KACHULIS ETEEEIRE i i e At s et James Brown/Kachulis BT i A A i e e Tori Amos/Kachulis TR i s L S N L Wade-Gill/Kachulis 021 presented by - ROBERT CHRISTOPHERSON DTN LI i B e e e ety T Kosma-Mercer/EN021 BIEMOme 0 o e e s Thelonious Monk/EN021