Berklee COLLEGE OF MUSIC Recital Hall 1W, 1140 Boylston Street, Boston Thursday, May 5, 1994 4:00pm VOCAL JAZZ ENSEMBLES presented by ART LaPIERRE This afternoon's program will be selected from the following: Al Ehe TRInESIVOW RIS, . o o i pad s s A Jerome Kern/S. Prosser BHRLEC: o o e i e aeana s A TR Traditional/S. Prosser CHusNEpR AR S Ve o e e e Johnny Mandel/Michele Weir FATEE S BRI e i s S e e e i Art Farmer/Todd Dixon POPALL WS RO - e s e S Sam Lewis-Fred Coots/S. Wilkins GERHERAI. il naananit Somin i Sh L TN e Louis Bonfi/S. Prosser BRI o s S e e Todd Buffa/A. LaPierre R e i i e e ek T Martin-Blane/C. Palquin-Salerno MEROaNce . e b b s Rodgers-Hart/P. Webster e Nale Samba . o e G s i Antonio Carlos Jobim./L. Lapin Rempahdnipht. . 0 e o O s Thelonious Monk/R. Crenshaw S WAy e ik e Sonny Rollins-Mark Murphy/D. Cazier SanaHere SIme MO . oo i s i e Maltby-Shire/M. Weir UG e i e e I ) bk ey Stanley Turrentine/T. Buffa TakEboe . v s Paul Desmond-Dave Brubeck/R. Crenshaw RO NIEE YO i i i tio s r e e i o Manhattan Transfer/A. LaPierre DOTREEBONRE. e i it e Freddie Hubbard/D. Cross wiaelThs TR CulBB Love .. i i e b e Cole Porter/F. Tamura RO YO WS KTDOR A SEIE. i dbisie i i i tiabs s b das sesiin Washington-Harline/S. Prosser SO MBCROHaVE TN SDERP.- . i i s e LeGrand-Bergman/P. Rutherford -S€€ over-