Berklee COLLEGE OF MLSIC Recital Hall 1A, 1140 Boylston Street, Boston Briday, April 24, 19972 2:00pm PS118-JAZZ STANDARDS CLASS presented by KEN CERVENKA There Wall Never Be Anotheras¥You .. . o o o i dia o Jini slhrry Warren Recorddine cone oy o i s o nba il G san cnse i b c s s D oe “Henderson It Could Happen Te You . 0 o0 so0 0 o 0 o0 5 . . Burke-Van Heuseéen Body:anmd Souls o feec nial L e Do s el i s L s Johnnly. Green Tendepld e -y b il i pel i e e e Walter Gross All The THings Non ARrechiic o & o 0. G el oL Lot O Jerome Kern THE PERFORMERS Alto Saxophone, DEAN REITER, Long Island, NY Tenor Saxophone, NIGEL MAAS, Melbourne, AUSTRALIA Tenor Saxophone, BROOKE MAXWELL, Vancouver Island, CANADA Guitar, BEN BUTLER, Sydney, AUSTRALIA Guitar, CARLOS LELLIS, Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL Bass, CHRIS FREY, Baden, SWITZERLAND Drums, ETHAN EUBANKS, Berkeley, CA