Berklee COLLEGE OF MLUSIC Recital Hall 1A, 1140 Boylston Street, Boston Thursday, February 20, 1992 7:00pm VOICE DEPARTMENT FACULTY RECITAL If I Were A Bell Frank Loesser . APRIL ARABIAN Maggt Seott, Accompanist You Must Believe In Spring. . . « « « « « « « « « o Bergman/Bergman/Legrand Night And DAV S i v o v il b wa y Gide e i aiia o s i w0018 Porter DALE PFEIFFER Kenneth Greenhouse, Accompanist Emall Day TOMOXIOW @ @ v v i 4 s e o h Mainde s s » 5. bandesman/Dovough Meaning OF The BY¥ues . ¢ v ivc vid o obie v iihods i o troup/Worth JOYCE LUCIA Kenneth Greenhouse, Accompanist Gat OULE OFEPOWH so. 0 oo s D o S e e bole Portep Glad To Be Dnhappy v i s i sl Lo e v b ivii o, ¢ Rddgerariart Volr Ate - Phe \SEay s i, o0, il otag i sania nns g de, i on DolangVerntura AlEie . g sl e e R e e ey Baahapdeh/David ANN DOLAN John Ventura, Accompanist Crossword Pugele . oo oL s el e b oD s b lal oy Shore ANNE PECKHAM Kenneth Greenhouse, Accompanist Steal ‘Me, Sweet Thief . . «ie i viiie s o +7: Gian Carlo Merotis (b, 1911) JOANNE WHITAKER Steven Sussman, Accompanist Di ‘Tanti Palpiti &« ¢ i v o «'d o o s ins « « ' Glogechino Rossint (1792-1866) Cancion De ©Uha Para . + iy «vé o sia sy s Xavier Montsalvdatge (b.. 1911) LUZ BERMEJO Kenneth Greenhouse, Accompanist -over-