Berklee GHMUYIC Recital Hall, 1140 Boylston Street, Boston Tuesday, August 7, 1979, 4:30 pm *SENIOR GUITAR RECITAL presented by J. STUART BATCHELDER GAVOLTe e e e e Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 =~ 17560) Yalee ... Bl e i e i sd .. Frederic Chopin (1810 - 1849) Gavokte i i e s e Alessandro Scarlatti (1860 = 17225) Ehre BliSe (i il i v b i e Ludwig Van Beethoven (1770 = 1857) 1Tat Violin Sonatag B MIiNoP .o .0 isi oo, Johann Sebastian Bach Double/Sarabande/Double/Bourree/Double (1685 - 1750) INTERMISSION EaPEIma . e st e i e R L e g e Tarrega (1854 - 1909) Prelude #3 ...... R e s L e . Vella Liebes (1887 -~ 1959) B R NE SRRALE . i vss st e ks sie vy Ludwig Van Beethoven : (1770 = -1827) A e Thanes YOu A1e (. ..o cvil ol iionssebodsveas sty D. Kern PERSONNEL Guitar, J. STUART BATCHELDER, Cheyenne, Wyoming #In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Music