Berklee Concert Serle_s i Apni 16 anarre, a student ensemble of expenmental ongmat : - works, directed by Frank Macchia. . }Aprflf 17 g“Classncal and Jazz”, an evening of mellow sounds a - ‘la Chet Baker, dxrected by Mike Metheny. i Apnl 18 . Musnc from Films - Part 4, James Burt dlrects a small % ‘group performmg music from films”. » P 'Apnl 19 ‘Apple Pie and Mother a musncal evocatton of home 8 Sl hearth by asmall group, dxrected by Mantess . LT sk L SR i o % A;pril 2,3,', The Berklee Concert Band a contemporary concert ' Al band program, conducted by Peter Hazzard. : ' "A‘_fiprilf’24' 'Mann a Qumn—-Just One More Thing, a concert : : - featuring the vocal ta’lents of Tracy Mann and Amy T e s el ) ;Abern - ~ April 26 Gnl Graham Qumtet a chamber jazz qumtet : 2 s SR e ~ exploring varlé‘lrs percussxon possxb:htles S ¢ e " s 2 - April 30 ."Outhnes, this small ensemble explores a variety of L e e contemporary jazz styles, directed by Andy Jaffe. o ‘;{'Ma;y'liu featherram, folk, pop, and tradmonal musnc, drrected SR b Pet Baltsen ; ~ May 2 The Tony Lada Sextet, an evening of small group ‘ e o wbebop, led by trombomst Tony Tadaa . o : ° ‘May3 The leeratlon of Sound a two part program : ! ~ consisting of large ensemble & chorus, directed by Ken e and a quintet, directed by Wayne Naus. May 7 A Pop Song Festwal a dlsplay of songs by some of ~ Berklee’ pop wnters dlrected by Tony Tetxexra & S - John Aldrich. et i May R ‘Gultar Nite lll an evening of guxtar music, directed by Ll @ ke ~~;M-Gultar Dept. Chalrman, William Leavitt. ~ o = ‘».”‘\‘VPercussmn Unhmnted a program of all percussive : possnbxhtles, dxrected by Dean Anderson. TCB 31=5_ the Berklee Jazz/Rock Ensemble in a e 1940’s radio | ogram directed by Robert Rose. ; AMichael Glbbs Orchestra, an innovative evening of o musies dxrected by Composer -in- Resndence Mlchael A e ® i G\bbs e e e - The Production Co presents. .' i .And A Pina ¢ ‘. Colada, pop and pop/rock ensemble w:th vocahsts Svas d}rected by Rich Grudzinski. . - May 16 Berklee Men’s Chorus Sprmg Concert tradmonal : 7o T L el e contemporary choral musnc, dlrected by Wayne ey - 2 L e NG ~ May 17 Berklee Orchestra, an evening of classncal musnc, e ~ directed by Jeronimus Kacinskas. i ‘ Sl S INISGTR 'Annual Commencement Concert a showcase of L ey e - Berklee talent in an exciting end-of-year concert. , All»concert‘s"begtn at‘"SY:IIS~ pm unless otherwis‘e',indi’cated. gy oY @