Berklee Concert Series April 2 Berklee Swing Orchestra/Swing Sextet, primarily the swinging sounds of Count Basie, directed by Robert Hores. ® April 3 Wanted Dead or Alive, a cross section of large orchestra/pop/rock/jazz styles, with commercial appeal, directed by Pat Caddick. ' April 4 A Chance To Say, an evening of music built around the vocal talents of Lewis Robinson, accompanied by a small band and back-up vocalists. April 5 I'm Back And Ready To Sing, Vocalist Yvette Cason ® backed by a Big Band in a repetoire consisting of funk, contemporary and some ballads. April 9 The Berklee Concert Choir & Nashua Choral Society, in a joint concert, directed by Brian O’Connell. April 10 Choice Blend, half big band and half jazz trio, directed ® by John Ferrara. April 11 Berklee Concert Jazz Orchestra, the elite “Recording Band” in its annual Spring Concert, directed by Herb Pomeroy. April 12 The Norman David Big Band, a combination of big band, voices, and strings, directed by Norman David. April 16 Bizarre, a student ensemble of experimental original ® works, directed by Frank Macchia. April 17 “Classical and Jazz”, an evening of mellow sounds a la Chet Baker, directed by Mike Metheny. April 18 Music from Films - Part 4, James Burt directs a small group performing “music from films”. April 19 Apple Pie and Mother, a musical evocation of home & hearth by a small group, directed by Maritess e Salientes Allen. April 23 The Berklee Concert Band, a contemporary concert band program, conducted by Peter Hazzard. April 24 Mann a Quinn—Just One More Thing, a concert featuring the vocal talents of Tracy Mann and Amy April 26 Gil Graham Quintet, a chamber jazz quintet exploring various percussion possibilities. - April 30 Outlines, this small ensemble explores a variety of contemporary jazz styles, directed by Andy Jaffe. May 1 featherrain, folk, pop, and traditional music, directed by Pat Pattison. : May 2 The Tony Lada Sextet, an evening of small group @ bebop, led by trombonist Tony Lada. May 3 The Liberation of Sound, a two part program consisting of large ensemble & chorus, directed by Ken Pullig, and a quintet, directed by Wayne Naus. May 7 A Pop Song Festival, a display of songs by some of Berklee’s top pop writers, directed by Tony Teixeira & ® dJohn Aldrich. All concerts begin at 8:15 pm unless otherwise indicated.