Berklee Callege off (luse Recital Hall, 1140 Boylston Street, Boston Thursday,. Mareh &, 1979 . 7:30- pm *SENIOR GUITAR RECITAL presented by DAVID GRISKEVICH Minetto .. s s v e e L Fernando Sor 1778-1839 Pralnde No,.w 3 W aghi ol s a0 e e Heitor Villa-Lobos 1887-19659 Senata Classica dih Movement . ... ciis i tiias i Manuel M. Ponce (Hommage to Fernando Sor) 1882-1948 La Fille Bus CRGRERG e LIN 0.0 idestsnsrvicavosawivi C. Debussy 1862-1918 Sonatinetie Fn 8 - Mavementes: .. i i iviiaiay i John W. Duarte gl INTERMISSION fimmmt Allegretto GroZioso « ... .5, L LR, W. Mozart 1778-1839 Cavating. o ov i e e Alexandre Tansman 1.Preludio, 2.Sarabande-Danza Pomposa, 3.Scherzino 1897- PEESTO . ./ b e a0 s el e ey Ul e T S, J.8. Baeh 16856-1750 BONAYHE NO: B s i evaniinivsian palu AViuss Vas any e ey winins s Devienne Sonata No. 2, cin s i st v N e s e s Telemann 1681-1767 INEeMmMe==0. . e s Ly s e e e e e i G, Rosetia Guitar - Buartel #9714 0. o v in T e o e John Damian PERSONNEL DAVID GRISKEVICH, Methuen, Massachusetts JAMES ANDERSON, Boston, Massachusetts FRANK ACCARDO, Niagara Falls, New York LARRY BAIONE, Faculty *In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Music