b Berklee Concert Serles February 20 ‘Why Not" a small jazz band performmg mostly - original music in a variety of styles, ranging from : g . § - contemporary jazz to soft rock, dlrected by Corey ; 1 @ goun e Allen: : A February 21 Mideast Fever, a student bng band performmg mostly 1 P 7 ; original music in a variety of styles, directed by John ' e 3 McClellan and Udi Harpaz. February 2 The John Armstrong Concert, as described by i A.“Armstrong this concert will be * modern jazz in the Lo ECM vein’ February 26 The Jazz Forum, a student jazz quartet performing a £ - cross section of modern j )azz styles, directed by Enc . ~ Marienthal. g ; i February 27 Ascension, a progresswe Afro- Latin j )azz group j , i ; directed by Roberto Sanabria. I i February 28 One Hour To Madness And Joy, an improvisational io ek ensemble in an eclectic program from jazz to classical, _ - directed by Gordon O’Connell. a caumn - March5 Synfun, a program of electronic and synthesized > ; instruments, directed by John Amaral. ‘March 6 Another Departure, big band jazz with many ongmal ~ works, directed by~Joe Makholm o ; : £ - March7 All Funked Up, an evening of jazz/funk, dnrected by @ ; : L vFrank Macchia and Kathleen Shoemaker. ; b2 2 March 8 " An Evening With ‘Windsong, a large orchestra in a | ; 1 ~ program of pop and dlSCO. dlrected by Barrie Nettles G and Jim Killian. March 26 Peter Gordon Concert, contemporary fusion mu51c. ; - directed by faculty member Gordon. hs : March 27 An Evening with The Dues Band and Slam ‘ ‘ , o B ey b - Stewart, a spring concert by one of Berklee's e S o SRR legendary big bands, dlrected by Phil Wilson. .~ March28 The Overtones, a small jazz fusion group directed by - A ~ faculty bass player, Bruce Gertz. March 29 '. Horn’s Nest, a jazz sextet performmg thexr own S . ~ arrangements and some ongmal eomposmons directed o ® ChrA by Kerry Maule. \ L : v April2 Berklee Swing Orchestra/Swmg Sextet, pnmanly £ St - the swinging sounds of Count BaSIe, dlrected by Robert [ s St DR April9 The Berklee Concert Choir & Nashua Choral ~ Society, in a joint concert, dtrected by Brian it : e ! - OfConnell. i : ® April 10 Words and Music, half big band and half jazz trio, ; ; Slnaia W directed by John Ferrara. April 11 Berklee Concert Jazz Orchestra, the elite g - “Recording Band” in its annual Spnng Concert, directed by Herb Pomeroy. April .12 - The Norman David Big Band, a combmatlon of big 4 ] ~ band, voices, and stnngs directed by Norman Davnd : ® All concerts begm at 8:15 pm unless otherw:se mdlcated