ze @@Dfl@@@ ofilliuYic Recital Hall, 1140 Boylston Street, Boston Thursday, February 22, 1979. 7:30 pm THESE ARE THE LAST DAYS under the direction of IRVING KEYES And Except that The Lord had shortened those days, no flesh should be saved but for the elects sake, Whom He hath chosen, He hath shortened the days Mark 13:20 BRI ey e e Sl e s Wiv s Ivving Keyes JigsawWorld: s are ol o e G e Kevin Stone Brawilian Blessom ;. i, ... e ; .......... Steve Fisher Inivernal FaI0E o 0 i e e R e ek Irving Keyes INTERMISSION A Message To The World . ... .00 iivan i, i b L b IPVINg Keyes Uneut .. el Pl e T e oo .. L Keviwm Stone Seong For J.8. ... 00 0 s e e U g e Steve Fisher Creative Energy ..:... e o e o e o Irving Keyes PERSONNEL | Keyboards, IRVING KEYES, Mattapan, Massachusetts Guitar, STEVE FISHER, Mattapan, Massachusetts Bass, KEVIN STONE, Milton, Massachusetts Drums, JIMMY GOOD, Roxbury, Massachusetts