Berklee Concert Series :lanuary'SO Warp 8, an all faculty octet directed by Dick Lowell. ; : February 6 Straight Ahead, a chamber group directed by Red 4 [ Nienkirchen. , ' February 8 Kithara, tradmonal and classical flute and harp music Yoo directed by Matthew Marvuglio. February 12 Cosmic Perspective, a contemporary improvisational ! group di’rected‘ by Tony Noterfonzo. ’ February 13 The Mike Scott Concert, this “little” big band . : presents a variety of jazz styles with mostly original ik o : - compositions. ‘ Al February 14 Life, a high energy jazz/fusion quintet led by trumpeter ‘ . Chaya Tinterow. February 15 Disco Chicken Pickin, two guitar ensembles, Flat Rats and Sail Cats and The Berklee Guitar Septet in a program ranging from Western to Disco plus ongmal S ; e tunes, directed by Mike Ihde. : ® February 20 Why Not?, a small jazz band performing mostly ' original music in a variety of styles, ranging from contemporary jazz to soft rock, dn'ected by Corey Allen. February 21 Mideast Fever, a student big band performing mostly original music in a variety of styles, dlrected by John : McClellan and Udi Harpaz. 2 February 22 The John Armstrong Concert, as described by 5 : Armstrong this concert will be “modern jazz in the : ECM vein”. February 26 The Jazz Forum, a student jazz quartet performing a . cross section of modern jazz styles, directed by Eric Marienthal. February 27 Ascension, a progressive Afro-Latin jazz group ’ ® : directed by Roberto Sanabria. v February 28 One Hour To Madness And Joy, an |mprovnsatlonal ~ ensemble in an eclectic program from jazz to class:cal ~ directed by Gordon O’Connell. March 5 Synfun, a program of electronic and synthesized ‘ - _ instruments, directed by John Amaral. v @ ‘ March 6 Another Departure, big band jazz with many original | : works, directed by Joe Makholm. : - March 7 All Funked Up, an evening of jazz/funk, directed by ’ t Frank Macchia and Kathleen Shoemaker. March8 An Evening With Windsong, a large orchestra in a program of pop and disco, directed by Barrie Nettles : “and Jim Killian. o March 26 Peter Gordon Concert, contemporary fu5|on music, e directed by faculty member Gordon. March 27 An Evening with The Dues Band and Slam ~ Stewart, a spring concert by one of Berklee’s : legendary big bands, directed by Phil Wilson. March 28 The Overtones, a small jazz fusion group directed by i faculty bass player. Bruce Gertz. « ® All‘ concerts begin at 8:15 pm unless otherwise indicated.