Berklee Calllege off lusic Recital Hall, 1140 Boylston Street, Boston Tuesday, December 12, 1978, 7:30 pm *SENIOR GUITAR RECITAL presented by ANDREW COTTLE Kantasia . Neo o d@c ey o, e e i dang . o S oo Alonso de Mudarra 1508-1580 Paree Studies (1 B oGy s o G he s e e Fernando Sor 1778-1839 songbe Ly Bl i i cag i i Seaha s v Dy saarlatty 1685-17567 BLUGDS SIMPles Tel .\ ¢ vni ot boais U L e ek e e Leo Brouwer Freluae/vello Bulte Be. B . o iiivininiins Johann Sebastian Bach 1685-1750 3> INTERMISSION <34 UYBnopeaies 1 08 8. i i e Db i s e i Brre Shatie 1866-19256 Gauotte/Cello Sulte No. -0 . 0. . o000, «... Johann Sebastian Bach 1685-1750 FIOIUGR MO, 0 P v e e Heitor Villa-Lobos 1887~-19569 SREVDEEN i it e e Ao e Tadd Dameron Arranged by Cottle & Kelly VIOEY YR LIMEE (v i ben s e e Pat Metheny Arranged by Cottle & Kelly FRALINE DENOE . L Vi e e e s Steve Swallow Arranged by Cottle & Kelly PERSONNEL ANDREW COTTLE, Boston, Massachusetts JIM KELLY, Faculty *In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Music