Bedilee College off Mufe Recital Hall, 1140 Boylston Street, Boston Monday, November 20, 1978, 7:30 pm WAYWARD FLOW under the direction of MARK V. JOHNSON Memories Of Tomorrow ..... B oL Ve e e ‘ Keith Jarrett Nacada . cvh leal iy suve o i e S s A Pat Metheny Piano - Solial Jauil o s v LD S S I e e v Dan Lawrence Falling Grace ...... W sl e Steve Swallow Time For A Charill i i0 ceis 08y U iy ot i s so s iviis albin s oiais Mark Johnson Summer Time Is Hexe B0 Stay .ot comindoe el Mark Johnson INTERMISSION Yesterday/Nowhere Man ......ciceeecovevssssnsenns Lennon/McCartney Ode To Pegoetrs o o i CRE Bl LG b L Mark Johnson CFB. i e S e T i S i L e i G S Mark Johnson HoR JOUTDRY & isii: v vvie s cidvaialli s s s cn b nam s ksl il ai L Chick Corea PERSONNEL Piano, DAN LAWRENCE, Rockaway, New Jersey Vibes, MARK V. JOHNSON, Charleston, South Carolina . Bass, DAVE HUGHS, Baltimore, Maryland Drums, JOE AMADIO, Jeannette, Pennsylvania