lee Celllege off uie Recital Hall, 1140 Boylston Street, Boston Friday, November 17, 1978, 7:30 pm A STRING'DEPARTMENT FACULTY RECITAL under the direction of RANDY SABIEN Sonaté, Op 24 v s SRR e e e e e T Beethoven Suite Ftaliennei v, cediilean e e e e Ll e Stravinsky INTERMISSION IThibDon's Mean A Fhing .« un Wl . nbiscvavlbos seluaciss. Duke Ellington Stompin’ At Deech. .. cuol tR e O e i e Django Reinhardt Natute Boy gl o4 TN T e e S e e Eder Ahbesz Well You Needn't ..o icisiviai TN L e B Thelonius Monk Goodbye ‘Pork Pile Hat ,..i.. fra R Ca Stk . Charles Mingus Baphne: (oo s va R e e sl Django Reinhardt Lady.Be Bad/l Can't Giye Yol ..o v s iddigiiyh . Gershwin/McHugh Anything But Love PERSONNEL Violin/Piano, DIANE WHEELER Violin, RANDY SABIEN Guitar, LARRY BAIONE Piano, MEG CRISSARA