@G @Wfl@ Berklee Faculty Assoc1at10n Concert SCI‘ICS ( PROGRAM TWO MOVEMENTS FOR SAXOPHONE (1978) . Jeffrey Frledman The first movement is a settlng of an older work, or1g1na11y written for solo piano. The music is based on the 1dea of mirrored thirds. e ' : : ‘ The second movement uses three motlfs The first is similar to the opening of Movement I. The second motif is sequential in nature, while the third is a folk melody The three tunes are harmonized in seconds and fourths. i ‘ Sopranino: FRANK MACCHIA £ Soprano: TONY CORELLI Alto: ROBERT GAY Tenor: SUSAN FISHER s Baritone: JOHN KUTTEN MOMENTUMS (1978) ; ; Keith Martin Mo men tum, (noun - force of a moving body) : Picéolo ANDERS BARFOED A Flutes: MIMI PRINCE, SUSAN FISHER Oboe: LAURIE WADSWORTH 5 Clarinet. JIM GENTRY Violin: DAVID GAUTIER Piano: DAN LAWRENCE SENSATIONALISMS FOR THE BURNING DEAD ONES Lennie Peterson (born so soon scholar?) Theme and Variations in three movements for three Bass Trombones, Tuba, Percussion and seven Vocalists. 1. Fanfare for a Paid Imagination (the breathless wonder) II. Mamie McKardy (Largo) III. Variation 4 (March) Bass Trombones : LENNIE PETERSON, NORMAN STUMPF, JOHN SCHIRMER Tuba: KEN CRANE , Percussion: DAVID GROSSMAN Vocalists: CORY ALLEN, BRIAN PAQUETTE, CLIFFORD PETERSON, JOHN RIOPEL, PHIL WILSON, DAVE JACQUES, WHITMAN BROWN