Berklee COLLEGE OF MUSIC Pecitali Hall 1A, 1140:Boylston-Street, Boston Monday, August 12, 1991 7:00 pm SENIOR GUITAR RECITAL* presented by ERICH GRAMSHAMMER Gymnopedie No.l . . . « « « « « .« oErik Satie (1866-1925) WEkS TE U " o ol v e b g S Relly Forza D'AMOYe . . « « « « « « «Mario F. Caroso (1535-1605) In A Sentimental Mood . . . . . H. Villa Lobos (1887-1959) A Night At The Beach . . . . . « . . . Erich Gramshammer INTERMISSION Frewen oy o 0 AP i R e & SR GRimehamoy Wate FPoOE WBEE 03 o0 V@ 6 . €is e owow Epéch Gramaiammer Phe Etérnal Trifngle’ ) oy dhe vV 50 iBonhy Sttt Bl U T e e T e vk BN MR NG Never TOO Late . s « + »+ v sus o o e Brich Granshamer ATMOBE. DO " (i i od &g et e o v R S Er Y o Giamehgnmey THE PERFORMERS Guitar, ERICH GRAMSHAMMER, Poechlarm, AUSTRIA Piano, ITTAI ROSENBAUM, Mevaseret, ISRAEL Bass, VICTOR MERLO, Madrid,.SPAIN Drums, ERAN SHABI, Jerusalem, ISRAEL *Tn partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor Of Mustic.