Berklee Per formance Center Concerts ‘ SUMMF.R1991 | _Iune 24 SIMPLB, MERELY CHANGE THF. GRAVITATIONAL CONS'I'ANT " OF THE UNIVERSE/DREAMLAND ORCHESTRA—In the first half, ~ faculty composer/arranger/trombonist Bob Pilkington presents the ~ Continuum Jazz Brass Band performing original arrangements of ~ jazz and blues by a variety of composers. In the second half, ~ “Dreamland Orchestra” features original compositions and arrange- ~ ments for contemporary big band by faculty member Darrell Katz performed by the Jazz Composers Alhance Orchestra ~ July 10 FIVE-WF.EK WEI.COME OONCERT—TO lek ofi thls summer’s - Five-Week Performance Program, assistant directors Dave Weigert - and Robert Doezema present a two-part concert featuring many of the program’s faculty. Drummer Weigert opens the concert with fusion compositions by John Scofield, Mike Stern, and Bob Berg - performed by his sextet with five-week faculty members Daryl ~ Lowery, tenor, and Bert Cotten, guitar. In the second half, ; - guitarist Doezema presents “Blues after Dark,” with faculty mem- - bers Herman johnson tenor, Rle Consndme drums and Dennxs il Montgomery, pnano and vocals S ow DA e ; July 16 ‘VTHEBILL MOORB BAND—ane-week progtam faculty gultanst ~ Tom Stein presents the Bill Moore Quartet perforrnmg dassnc rock i »hnts from the508 60s and 703 - - ; . july,l;i‘, THE POWER HOUR—-Faculty trumpeter Wayne Naus prdsents N | - hour of high energy . Latm funk and ]azz for brg band f&tunng : ; ~ many faculty soloxsts ; : Julyfso 'MASS-IDVE-FIFSI‘AMHEBAQ(BAYMASS JAzzonanmm - - :August 7 mwnmt BLOW-OUT I'M ON MY WAY HOMF.