Berklee COLLEGE OF MUSIC Recital Hall 1A, 1140 Boylston Street, Boston Thursday, June 20, 1991 7:00 pm SENIOR PERCUSSION RECITAL* presented by TOM COTTONE L m T T e e R R R e N e e PR o . L o e v e s s A R N L B HUBpES: BuMbEy o 02 g s o s as L o Otk Covag ANR-TOR BUER & 5 v v ov v b e e e st os e e R e (7o Kingestan And MB) . ยข . & . v o o o Dopitto D'Ruome THE PERFORMERS Saxophone, RODRIGO BOTTER, Sao Paulo, BRASIL Piano, MARCELLO ELIAS, Santos, BRASIL Bass, MAX HUGHES, Alsenbarn, GERMANY Drums, TOM COTTONE, Lawrenceville, NJ *In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor Of Music.