Berklee COLLEGE OF MUSIC Recital Hall 1A, 1140 Boylston Street, Boston Monday, April 22, 1991 7:00 pm SENIOR VOICE RECITAL* presented by CILLI ANN LAVINE SHE WAy Ton LUvE BO. o s iy se se e s v Dabyfave, LA, Beld Blue (18 The COlox OFf Palb) & . « o« s iv e w oM Brydon, A. Dust BEEERE POME 0 £ i i s e s ey e e e e BEePE S BEE BN o s s s S eV R e R b e Y NN SAVINT 10 BOE LaBBE. i v v e s s v e b oa s i Whealery, NP, WL NY Nae 10 HOE SUBAR . « v » % s s 6 6% o 08 v 3 ¥ o ¢ sbe FORCOP BEEE Ot § 5 o i s sy e e aR e e R R W ayned B TeNY . . s v s ety mre e e b DOWNLE; R Divie RO BN WOEEREE s v o i v s e e tdy e s ds PSS Garrett THE PERFORMERS Voice, ANITA SUHANIN, Austin, TX Voice, BARBARA BROOKS, Maple Grove, MN Voice, TOM BASKETT, Colorado Springs, CO Guitar, JON SKIBIC, Convent Station, NJ Keyboards, DAN SHEER, Baltimore, MD Bass, DORIAN HEARTSONG, Boston, MA Drums, EARNIE LAROUCHE, Hudson Falls, NY *In partial fulfillment of requirements for the Degree of Bachelor Of Music.