- April3 : rformance Center Concerts 'I'HF. COH.EGE SINGERS/ THE CONCERT WIND ENSEMBLE———Vorce i 'Department Chair Ken Greenhouse conducts the 22-vorce College ‘Singers in a program of twentieth century choral music. Works by - Aaron Copland, Randall Thompson Ron Nelson, and Edwin Flssmger 2 “will be performed by the men and women of the College Singers S 'separately and together Faculty member Wayne Ward will accom- - pany on piano. In the second half, Composition Department Assistant ~ Chair Greg Fritze presents the Concert Wind Ensemble performing ~ twentieth century music by Bernstein, Grainger, and Badings. Winner - of the 1991 Berklee Concerto Competition flutist Mia Olson will be a featured soloist and student composer Douglas Koeppe’s Music for Winds will be featured as the winner of the 1991 Wrnd Ensembl_" = Composmon Competxtlon - ~ April 1 April 2 AN EVENING WITH THE BERKLEE RAINBOW BAND——Faculty - s trombomst/composer/arranger Phil Wilson leads the Berklee Rambowf* ; ~ " Pandin program of jazz, fusion, and rock originals by outstanding - student composers and arrangers, ‘including works by Associate Dean - of Curriculum Robert Myers, students Matsumi Tori, Mike Genovese ~ Jose Barros, Mike Yelle, faculty member Phil leson and alumnus ~ Makoto Ozone Feature vocalists will be Sharine _]anse and Cinthia - Tignor with Melvin Butler, Julie Sussman Andreas Mxtytermayer and 5 s Pat Loomrs among the eatu , 'd 1nstrumentallsts : . dll‘CCthfl of e Voice Department vocallst Bob Stoloff, the six-member Vocal Summlt - will perform a cappella in the styles of jazz fusion, funk, Latin, and ~ folk, and will present orlglanl ‘compositions and works by John Cage : ,Chlck Corea, Evan Lains, and Abund Zu, as well as two freely 1mpro— % vised pieces. In the second half, the 12-vorce Vocal Jazz Ensemble - directed by V01ce Department faculty member April Arabian, will = Pperform a variety of contemporary, jazz, and ongmal vocal group - arrangements with an accompanying quartet. Compositions by ~ Charlie Parker, Kurt Weill, Duke Ellington, and Paul Simon, and - : “*;arrangements "i“Gene Puerhng and students Jon Dryden and Tommy?' April 4 PAT METHENY WITH GARY BURTON