AN EVENING WITH HE BERKLEE RAINBOW BAND under the direction of PHIL WILSON Do Have At b ofi f o oo » % 0 s v DKL Kopinicia Chiclute & Banana . . . . . Jackson De Paneiro/Jose Barros Please Let Me Go . . . . . . . Charlie Mariano/Phil Wilson The Mystery & The Majesty of a Lentil Bean M. Genovese Toil and Modd oo B o viis v s aviden wase viw ¢ RIGKDLE HRONE INTERMISSION Tania o N e S R R REr T kit s T R Mary G JBEKE o 3 o 2 in s o s s v o i D UL Yesterdays SRR TP AR SaiegJelone Kevn/Matewni TOrtL Monk Salad . « ... 5.+ ote's o sPhelonious Monk/Matsuni Torit Stompin' At the Savoy . . . . . . . . . Sampson-Goodman-Webb