Berklee COLLEGE OF MUSIC Recital Hall 1A, 1140 Boylston Street, Boston Thursday. November 13, 1997 4:00 p.m. This Is The Time To Remember presented by Deena Marie Coppola TR TRETIRIE . i e i il Billy Joel MR e R e e e P. Zizzo-J. Bralower CHEab O BOVE, o b e i s e P. Spector-E. Greewich-J. Bar BTN b R e R R R e Willie Nelson CEY Y BErl. e e L e e ae S Lois Blaisch NOWODENEVEr .. oo spalL ol B s i A. Schroeder-W. Gold Tt d e Eves OT LA L o 0 b i e e C. Bayer-M. Hamlisch You’re The InSpiration.........ccocceuiciciniincissinsisissississississississnseissnssnscnsennnnnsn P Cetera-D. Foster ThisRia. e s s o Billy Joel Raimcon Pram Night. -l v o i i, ssemscuseuessisens W. Casey-J. Jacobs Flbatealle You. . il s e e e e e George& Ira Gershwin MO e e e e R ey W. “Smokey” Robinson The Performers Voice, Deena Marie Coppola, Fairfield, NJ Voice, Matthew Taylor, Plainfield, NJ Voice, Meezanne Hanna, Grand Bahama, Bahamas Saxophone, Chris Chambers, East Falamouth, MA Piano, David Giuli, San Jose, CA Guitar, Peter Kelly, Palm City, FL Guitar, Ryan Nybo, Graham, WA Bass, John Soriano, Denville, NJ Drums, Derek Landel, Upper Saddle River, NJ