Berklee COLLEGE OF MLSIC Recital Hall 1w, 1140 Boylston Street, Boston Feiday, August 14, 1992 4:00pm 038 presented by BOB SCHLINK My Gleam s o o i s o g el el L D e S e Sl e F. Hubbard The Borgetten ao s ui oL as it oo foi. . s o e J. Satriani “NALM” ESOOL 043 presented by DENNIS MONTGOMERY III conitortabpiy MUl 5 o o oo s o sl g S i e s e Roger Waters My Name ks Nobt Susan.. = coc = oo S oo ne oe s s e 0 s Whitney Brown JAZZ RECITAL presented by BERT COTTON Stolen Mements 0 oo i L e bt e a0 s Oliver Nelson Centerpiiece o . & oo . .o e e e e H. Edism-J. Hendricks FILHOS DA PAUTA presented by RANDY FELTS Kasmit i = oo oo i s i it Daa Lo s Led Zeppelin/The Band Bfter Midnight ¢ ool wieis @& 5 ve w womowis o s a e Eric Clapton/The Band 5 WEEK ENSEMBLE presented by B ROY OKUTANI Chicken 5 & ve . e s 0 U uE D sns s e s i Alfred Ellis UNT o s s e S e o S s e G e Miles Davis 5 WEEK ENSEMBLE presented by ROY OKUTANI Things Ain't What They-Used To Be & oy v 0 & § o0 @ v o s Duke Ellington