Bliss Contemporary Wind Ensemble Directed by Peter Cokkinias Suite of Dances Michael Weinstein* For Double Woodwind Quintet & Two Percussion (b.1965 ) Adagio-allegro, Moderato, Adagio-agitato, Adagio-allegro, Moderato Sextuor Mystique Heitor Villa-Lobos for flute, oboe, alto sax, guitar, celeste, and harp (1889 -1957) “there may be windows” Armand Qualliotine for soprano and seven instruments (b.1964) Jacque Wilson, soprano Glenn’s Reflection (2004) Keith Murray (b.1985) Four Innocents (World Premiere) Chris Florio |.Trees Il.Tua Pace |ll. Fish & Bicycle IV. Bliss Intermission Piece for Chamber Orchestra Kyle Batter(b.1982) Ariel Mann, conductor Choros # (1924) Heitor Villa-Lobos For flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, alto sax, violin, and cello