LOCOMOTIVE TRUTH .under the direction of DANIEL BASH/JACOB MANDEL Bl e Sl Becker-Ogami Watch What You S8y . o .0 v s v iia s ey Mandel. Where 18 TOROEPOWT v o s 0 v iwls invie iR Bash T EnOW B PRBES . . ook a0 it e s Chameides AROLRer ORe BOekt , . . . vn s i Mandel-Bash-Becker Manhattan Project . ... ... ... Lee-Liferson-Peart RIGHE FoF W . . 0 ol e i ey Mandel-Bash OB BEORN . L e ekl s Mandel-Becker-Bash PallEe e o W e All selections arranged by Locomotive Truth INTERMISSION SIDNEY OR THE BUSH II under the direction of STEVE ARMOUR Sidney Oxr The Bush ', 'L . v o v ey ew o SEEVE ATVOUr Green Dolphin Btreet' ' v ) . i 4 0l g Kaper/S. Armour Wil aant TR L L LG e e Ram-Nevins-Nevins-Dunn WS Wob o e s i s i s Gni Steve Armour Bridge Over Brthyl Waters . . . . ยข s 4 & 2 Rick Bell