Berklee Gallege of (uic Recital Hall 1A, 1140 Boylston Street, Boston Braday, July 2251988 4:00pm ALL BLUES presented by DANIEL SPICHIGER REREE s e e e e e R g T e B e S RS e e L Gl G e M Bate D SREeRi e o SEAEREROIn Bweetnin' , ol bl S0l 0L Tenae /D, Seeeh ben MORESER R W e e g S L R e el e e PLORERIRE 3 e e e g T G e s L M S e INTERMISSION What & Wondarful World o ooy LG sy UG Douglae /D, Sprokiger New FoEk State OFf Mind o, V0oL s ey g By aloe /D, TSpTahtdar SERLLE B SEarIioht o L w0 tg e gl Lk WS Yonng /D Shdahit ey HEre's Thet Bainyv Day | b oy e s ey o Yan Heusen/B. Spiehiper Maok T0e ERATe ool e WLl sy R et T St el gl THE PERFORMERS Voice, DANIEL SPICHIGER, Derendingen, Switzerland Voice, MICHIKO SAWANOBORI, Tokyo, Japan Alto Sax, NATHANIEL SU, Zurich, Switzerland Mallets, PHILIPPE CORNAZ, Orbe, Switzerland Guitar, JOAO NABUCO, Sao Paulo, Brazil Bass, RAETUS FLISCH, Switzerland Drums, JIM BLACK, Seattle, Washington