Berklee College off [usc Recital Hall 1A, 1140 Boylston Street, Boston Tuesday, November 2, 1982 4:00 pm THE JOHN LAPORTA RECITAL SEMINAR JOHN SAEGAERT'S N-GALAXY under the direction of JOHN SAEGAERT Oedipal & Latent Aspects Of Corvilinear Topics Movement Through Doors Rapid Wrist Action Prime Numbers Uranus Girls INTERMISSION City Of The Transparents Universe 19 Various Points Of Reference Singles & Puzzles All pieces composed & arranged by John Saegaert except "City Of The Transparents', composed by John Saegaert & arranged by David Tonkin & John Saegaert PERSONNEL Guitar & Devices, DAVID TONKIN, Concord, NH Guitar, Vocals & Devices, JOHN SAEGAERT, Concord, NH Bass, MIKE GARRASINO, Concord, NH Drums, MIKE CORBETT, Portsmouth, NH