Dear Colleagues, Welcome to BTOT 2017! This is the 27th year that we've come together to share our insights, our questions, and our passion for teaching and learning. The two days of BTOT are unlike any other event at any other institution, and | am proud to be part of a community that sets aside time to have these important conversations. This year marks the first BTOT since the official merger of Berklee College of Music and Boston Conservatory at Berklee, and while Berklee and BTOT have always valued a broad range of artistic and academic subjects, | am excited to see how our conversations widen and deepen as we welcome our Conservatory colleagues. The sociologist Richard Sennett once observed that intuitive leaps occur when dissimilar domains are made adjacent, because that friction forces disciplinary knowledge that is usually unstated to come forward and inspire surprise. BTOT offers many opportunities for such artistic and academic collisions, and | hope we will all welcome whatever surprises might result. This year’s conference theme, Remix and Mastery, invites us to reflect on the challenges and rewards of developing expertise in an ever-changing world. How do we draw on our expertise, developed in the past, as we teach the students we have today? How do we maintain a balance between a respect for the past and a vision for the future? How might we encourage our students’ mastery even as we remix our world, our institution, and our classrooms? This year we are delighted to welcome Diane Paulus as our keynote speaker. She is the ideal person to