Berklee COLLEGE OF MUSIC Recital Hall 1W, 1140 Boylston Street, Boston Friday, April 9, 1999 4:00 p.m. We’re not Tuck and Patti presented by Dwynette “Shade” Yearwood RAPUDTOL.. ol L e i G i etk e s B i b s Dave Matthews BIVEr i i e e o i e s Joni Mitchell IWHL e e e e e John Lennon-Paul McCartney SOMEIBINE Raal e h L R G i it U o e I Yk i e R Y o Phoebe Snow REABOMEION SORE. . 0o b 0 G i b doa ey e st st e i 08 Bob Marley VisionsMouMeveMe. = LG Stevie Wonder-Cassandra Wikon BUmIE NIE L a a G e e R kg Wes Smith ChHelses MIGIMBE.. . i it v i st cs by s s Joni Mitchell SecTet NMEIEER. . o ol b sh i i ke i v B i sk s Sting-Hans Belmer PRoOteCom o0 i i sdag Wes Smith-Dwynette Yearwood OElEarOEIaE . s L s s e e John Lennon-Paul McCartney The Performers Voice, Dwynette Yearwood, Brooklyn, New York Voice/Guitar, Wes Smith, Gainsville, Florida Voice, Coreena Brown, Seattle, Washington Bass, Neal Persiani, Richmond, Virginia