- Berklee Faculty Association Concert Series Yes Or N e e s e Weome Shorter With flze Ed Tomassz Quintet ‘ Cénaries snbasewine ‘.V ......... » . .V > o‘o .o .'., seseeses EZZiOt Carter Tfit* : A Solo f or 4 Tympani — = > ‘Easy Living ....... It i oo Robtn/Rainger- W’Lth The Quartet Lucky Southern e e Kezth Jarrett = e With The Quartet One Finger Snap .............. e T i e TRV Hancock With The E’d Tomassi Qm,ntet INTERMISSION == ‘Concertino For Marimba ... ........... s 'Péul Creston dld Fotks — nvres H'LZZ/Robzson — W’Lth The Wayne Naus—Greg Hopkzns Big Band Get-Me"To The-Church Om-Tame o = s oo Lerner/Lo‘we' : With The Wayne Naus-Greg Hopkins Big Band