A TRIBUTE TO JOHNNY MANDEL AND BILLY JOEL CC IRV C v i v e s arr. K. Zambello That Sunday That Summer .........................ccccoeeevennn. G. Weiss/J. Sherman arr. J. Mandel/A. Suwito AFmMEIorLove . i n e e s e J. Mandel arr. J. Odgren SR L . L i ot e e J. Mandel arr. J. Odgren Bodyand:Souk: .. o Green/Heyman/Sour/Eyton arr. J. Mandel/].C. Carter HETCIS O AIVEY ... oo nvors e s oo J. Mandel arr. J. Odgren The ShadowofYourSmile & 2. a e o s s 2 J. Mandel arr. J. Odgren Unforgettable-— . s S a s e R . I. Gordon arr. J. Mandel/T. Stein Johnny Mandel Film Medley ...........................cccocoevecinnnnnn., arr. K. Kliesch Harper The Americanization of Emily Agatha M.A.S.H. Downeaster Alexa e s e B. joel arr. K. Zambello ZaNZIDA-v . i s e e e s e e g B. Joel arr, K. Zambello Big:MAN on MUIBErny SHEEE . . v oo oo o oot B. Joel arr. T. Stein New-YorkState ofMind>:... ..o —r s s e B. Joel arr. F. Abdullah BillvjoelMedley. & 5 e e arr. K. Zambello We Didn’t Start the Fire My Life She’s Got a Way Just the Way You Are For the Longest Time You May Be Right