Berklee Callege off llusie Recital Hall 1A, 1140 Boylston Street, Boston Tuesday, September 24, 1985 4:00pm HARD TIMES presented by Z1v NAGARI EOOLREINEE . w0 e L b L s B L Wagne Shonder Saster Chaxyl . - . . . o Dl s G e Con W llame IRound MEGRIGRE - L L i e e e sna s TR orue Mok : INTERMISSION 500 - Miles Bagh . . . . . .0 oosiine i e o Ok Comen Heart Place S e s L e A There Will Never Be Another You . . . . . .. . . . . . Warren Gordon IBEFeRIR POl 0 oD o o s el e Treddie Dubbavd If You Knew . Ziv Nagari THE PERFORMERS Flute, ILAN SALEM, Tel-Aviv, ISREAL Guitar, ZIV NAGARI, Maagan Micheal, ISREAL Piano, ELI MEIRI, Tel-Aviv, ISREAL Bass, TSUTOMU TAKEISHI, Mito, JAPAN Drums, EITAN IZKOVITZ, Tel-Aviv, ISREAL