Recital Hall, 1140 Boylston Street, Boston Tuesday, December 20, 1977, 8:15 pm THE BILL NORINE QUINTET under the direction of BILL NORINE dilee Gellloge of [uwie Tony's Groove ... . selon s LN e Rick Schilling Ban'S BN e i e e v+ Goetz Tangerding ATEIINEY (01 love wnrhgulsed) ... = ... e BZill Norine a. "Hope love is good to us" b:. ‘Ivory Tower" e. “Have it your way, then" Walk on to Heaven You'd 0o So Niee B0 Baee Balie Ta ... .. .. Cole Porter INTERMISSION B CUIRARE MBNE e s Harold Arlen NOER LI Lol ) e i Nacimento CERiERd Lo as s ki S s Pesr e R Rick Schilling -Beote- Rakine" (Decambery . ... .. ... . Bill Norine PERSONNEL Piano, GOETZ TANGERDING, Der Rhineland, Germany Guitar/Co-leader, RICK SCHILLING, Madison, Wisconsin Vibes, JOHNNY SHAPIRO, Washington, D.C. Bass, JAMES GUTMAN, Boston, Massachusetts Drums/Leader, BILL NORINE, Faculty