Berklee CGollege off Mwfie Recital Hall 1w, 1140 Boylston Street, Boston Wednesday, Octoker 20, 1982 4:00 pm ITALIAN KAY under the direction of MARCELLO PELLITTERI SR e R e R e e e e e We'll Alweys Be TOGeLHBX . . v s o s » »'e s o e sln st eia e sor oG A Man. BWan & . e e e e e & QU EIges 0 T e e Tl et e e s e B PR B . L L e Rl el e ks e e R e M. The Flight Of Belphegor . PERSONNEL Tenor, Soprano Sax, RAINER PUSCH, Heidelberg, W. Germany Trumpet, BILL SCISM, Faculty Piano, JAN JARCZYK, Faculty Bass, DAVE RICHARDS, San Diego, CA Drums, MARCELLO PELLITTERI, Palermo, Italy . B. Biriaco Pellitteri . B. Biriaco E. Pieranunzi Pellitteri E. Pieranunzi