BERKLEE PERFORMANCE CENTER CONCERTS Oct. 24 FALL ’83 I JUST CAN'T WAIT - Berklee faculty membej Dennis Cecere presents an evening of original compositions and arrangements in a variety of styles including rock, R & B, and "new music". Double Concert - COSMIC RAYS/LIVING FOR TODAY - Ih the flrat half of the concert; bassist Yoshihisa Takenaka and his ensemble present a high energy program of original jazz/fusion and pop music. The secorid half of the concert 1s directe( by Carlyle Barriteau and features his faculty and student ensemble performing original pop, Jazz and latin mgsic. FRANCK'S FRIENDS - Original compositions and arrangements in a variety of settings will be directfed by student planist Franck Amsallem. THEF. SPIRIT OF GALILEO - Eduardo Berinstei returns to the Berklee Performance Center stage with an exciting program of Latin/ Jazz/Fusion originals.