Berklee CGclllege of (lusde Recital Hall 1A, 1140 Boylston Street, Boston Friday, July 2, 1982, ยข:00 pm WINDSONG under the direction of DANIEL J ABEL Danzel J Abel 2ncd . T0 None: . it v .. L R R e e e e Something About That WOMAN +.ccsetcecsscascscscsasosasssossnssnnns Lakeside BOOLSY csescoveacesstooscansavesnsssssossnssossnssssnsessessn p ........... Bootsy Bimept Do e e e e e s Cameo BIRG A WY o1 iiivintavsisesreiviinnrnhesidiscssorinansintptbavyivand C. Clarke Pommata Lagent o e e s C. Clarke INTERMISSION TO%S U8 & CaBIB 0 ) i i i i el kb s e Dantel J Abel Seahemgn. 1 e e Daniel J Abel WRLEE T8 i it it iacins oritan s Ghr s sl Cse st ne e bic X Dazz Band SEEEIR] Loy 1. iivii ey v et e TR L S WillGhn REBD o i fins tivicivs b i tonsvonivhievanvns Windsong *all arrangements by members of the group. PERSONNEL Guitar, S. NEAL ANDERSON, Bridge Port, CONNECTICUT. Fender, CHRIS CLARKE, New York, N.Y. Bass, LEO OKEKE, St. Louis, MISSOURI. Guitar, FREDDIE FOX, Tullahoma, TENNESSEE. Keyboards, WILLIAM RHINEHART, Columbic, S. CAROLINA. Trumpet, VINCENT BROWN, Bronx, NEW YORK. Sax, LARRY WHITE, Philadelphia, PENNSYLVANIA. Drums, DAMON DU WHITE, Twin Oak, PENNSYLVANIA. Drums, S. GASH, Boston, MASSACHUSETTS.