Berklee COLLEGE OF MUSIC The Lawrence and Alma Berk Recital Hall, 1140 Boylston Street, Boston Wednesday, November 8, 1995 4:00 p.m. Soon presented by Erik Steigen Tness Thal s Why Thewe Call e THe BIIES. Ll ianiiadininimmesoiing E. John RSATHIRIREE . o e i B e b E. Steigen-J. Kjar THe LAt TS . 0 i il i ot G s e E. Steigen SEVAEAIS BB i o s e R e e i aagha e s e A Y s S. Bishop Whiiever W bmagnie . . o i G G e Foster-Lubbock-Gordon Somlew ThodbBie MElC. i oo it o i nin s o e i W e by st E. Steigen Blooealilee €. e G en s s i sk iisis e ieeds s sl 0 I e E. Steigen VIR N ORISRl SOl P Tk eivaivskiys st o B b E. Steigen JEMr ke Youlove Me o i i i i e e Reid-Shamblin BOO0h . i e e e A et B s E. Steigen The Performers Voice, Erik Steigen, Bergen, Norway Voice, James Connor, Seattle, WA Voice, Amber Mogg, Hamilton, MO Voice, Maria Wronski, Akersberga, Sweden Trumpet, Wolfgang Haeuptli, Zurich, Switzerland Alto Saxophone, Thomas Feurer, Effretikon, Switzerland Guitar, Markku Martikainen, Jarvenpaa, Finland Keyboards, Patrik Andren, Helsingborg, Sweden Bass, Why Not Jansveld, Amsterdam, Netherlands Drums, Martin Johansson, Hdssleholm, Sweden Percussion, Doug Hinrichs, Lincoln, NE In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Music. 2 v ' & “ » e - - - - « O, ‘ _\Q - V' o