Gl @G M@fi S Berklee Faculty Association Concert Series PROGRAM SHite Petlte i o s e Gary Brunotte SPITIRNS i i e v e a s R s A aa Peter Connor AsLral DARCEY vacii ot il iy i i o Steven DeFuria SHOW-MOON o ol s il IR R e John Ellsworth o ROLInearions . loy i tideel aan i i e David Gilden Tahitian Spsvitshante o oo ot o Lol ao s oo Steven Greene CAEIBNIR o o i i vl s st ke b Paul Lemcke The Man Behind ' The Burtain . .. vioivir st Chris Noyes A The-Road (s o sl Pamela Reswick/Nicholas Switalski dhe End Time =5 -cosias oo s o wns o oo Rene Brossard