- Berklee COLLEGE OF MUSIC The Lawrence and Alma Berk Recital Hall, 1140 Boylston Street, Boston Thursday, November 16, 1995 2:15 p.m. Voice Week Honors Student Recital Places 1hat Helong 1o Yoo . 0o o Alan Bergman-Marilyn Bergman-James Howard Voice, Jason Ralicki, Buffalo, NY Piano, Alex Lacamoire, Miami, FL BB AREE o e e e S. Perry-J. Cain Voice, Julie Chen, Houston, TX Piano, Liz Lysinger, Dearborn, MI LR S e T g R e D s s T Corea-Jarreau Voice, Jeff Wopperer, Rochester, NY Piano, Pete Stoltzman, Winchester, MA Bass, Lukas Vesely, San Francisco, CA MOEIP. . e e e Chuck Jackson MG WIHIEL. . i e e Roger Miller Voice, Nicole A. Williams, Bronx, NY Piano, Steve Sussman, Staff Accompanist Dl Nme . e e Robin-Ranger LSRN TR BENIE .. i e Leonard Bernstein Voice, Chiara Civello, Boston, MA Piano, Vincent Bourgeyx, Bordeaux, France Jelin O HIRE ceaiE e Tori Amos Voice, Kristen A.Cifelli, Florham Park, NJ Piano, Steve Sussman, Staff Accompanist bule iy (RO WE DHRat) ot e e Thelonious Monk MO RO e e e Thelonious Monk Voice, Juanita Harris, Sunnyvale, CA Piano, Adriana Balic, Staff Accompanist Manin (manWEseSIae SIOTV)... ... i e L. Bernstein-S. Sondheim Voice, Erik Steigen, Bergen, Norway Piano, Wayne Ward, Faculty ASEEE PP SO e e e e Leon Russell Yedlerie Yester Yon Yestorday DY ... s i Ron Miller-Brian Wells Voice, Brian A. Glover, Baltimore, MD Piano, Marcus Bell, Portsmith, VA B . e e e e e R s S. Rollins Voice, Regula Schneider, Luzern, Switzerland Guitar, Junauro Landgrebe, Santa Cruz, CA Bass, Ben Zwerin, Paris, France sushc